Rudy gay trade rumors to clippers

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While Gobert is elite at what he does well, it is hard to justify gutting much of the team's depth in exchange for his services. When fully healthy, small lineups featuring Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, Robert Covington, and Nicolas Batum will have much less trouble on the glass than many of the lineups the Clippers were forced to utilize this season.

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With Kawhi Leonard out the entire season, and Paul George out most of the season, the Clippers were often stuck playing lineups without the physicality needed to compete on the glass. Part of why the Clippers struggled so much on the glass last season, was because their small lineups were much smaller than they would have been if the team were fully healthy. While Gobert would offer support on the glass, taking on his salary, while sending out the package it would take to acquire him, seems like an overpay for an upgrade on the boards. The one area of need that Rudy Gobert would certainly help the Clippers with is rebounding, as the team often struggled in that category that last season.

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